Here's Chris Frederick's interview with retired NFL pro athlete Bertrand Berry. In it he describes how Ann Frederick & the Stretch to Win method extended his career just as it was about to end with injuries. Enjoy!!
PS some background info about Bert:
- Retired American football defensive end in the NFL
- Former Stretch to Win client 2x/week in season
- Ann & Chris Frederick went to the ’09 Super Bowl using FST on Bert & all the starters of the AZ Cardinals
- Stretch to Win extended Bert’s career by 2 years by eliminating chronic season ending injuries.
- currently the “Voice of the Cardinals” on 98.7 FM AZ Sports talk radio
- follow Bert on Twitter @btrain92
- overall really, really nice guy!!!
(PSS correction - I said '95 Rose Bowl when I meant '97 in the interview)
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